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Why should light boxes be installed on supermarket shelves?

The main function of supermarket shelves is display and marketing. Through the unique shelf structure and display method, it creates refreshing effects, attracts consumers' attention, and arouses consumers' desire to buy as the main purpose. With the continuous innovation of supermarket shelf types, some auxiliary settings have been added based on the original basic shelf structure to highlight its display effect. The setting of light boxes is one of them.
The rectangular light box is widely used, the price is low, and the installation is convenient. Mainly used for convenience store shelves, stationery store shelves, mother and baby store shelves, and drugstore shelves. Advertising pictures or category names can be pasted on the lightbox to play a promotional and guiding role. Fluorescent lights are commonly used in shelf light boxes, which have high brightness and low heat generation. In addition, rectangular light boxes are often used on supermarket shelves that display products such as tobacco and alcohol.
Curved light boxes are generally used in boutique supermarkets maternal and child store shelves, and imported commodity display stores. Due to the unique arc style, it is beautiful and atmospheric, and it is easy to replace the advertisement. The lamp source generally adopts an LED lamp tube or thinner fluorescent lamp tube, and the arc-shaped lamp box is often of exposed structure, so it is more convenient to replace the lamp tube.
In addition to the different application types of shapes, there are also differences in the color of supermarket shelf lightboxes. Commonly used LED color light generally has warm color light (yellow light), cool white light (white light), and cool color light (blue light). Warm-colored light (yellow light) is generally used in home hall shelves, cake (baking) shelves, tobacco and alcohol counters, etc.; cool-white light (white light) is generally used in cosmetic cabinets, jewelry cabinets, etc.; cool-colored light (blue light) is generally used in home appliance display Shelve