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Do you know how the supermarket shelves are moisture-proof?

Supermarket shelves are commercial equipment that is often seen in supermarkets. It has a good effect on the placement of items, which saves us space and makes the products look beautiful, but we must pay attention to them when using them. So what are the moisture-proof measures for supermarket shelves?
1. When placing, we must pay attention to the dryness of the storage environment, and the storage location should avoid moisture.
2. The fire protection system should also be fully installed to avoid losses in the event of fire and other accidents.
3. Apply a layer of tung oil on the surface of the shelf. Tung oil can effectively prevent the shelves from being wet and corroded. However, to achieve good results, we should brush the supermarket shelves once a year.
4. We can also paint the shelf, which can also prolong its service life.
5. When cleaning, a dry cloth should be used to wipe the water droplets on the shelf surface to keep the shelf surface dry.
6. In the case of humid weather, we must pay attention to maintaining ventilation and dryness, and cannot be in a humid situation for a long time, which can also greatly reduce the oxidation of the shelves.
7. Do a good job in drainage and leakage repair and maintenance management at any time.
8. It should be done to check the humidity of the shelves, and at the same time, it should also be checked whether there is an accumulation of water droplets on the local shelves.