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Talking about how to remove rust on shelves

It is very common for some iron shelves to rust. If the shelf is not rusted, it will greatly reduce the service life of the shelf. How to remove rust from shelves?
When removing rust from the shelf, be careful not to soak the rusted shelf in dilute hydrochloric acid for too long, otherwise, the substances inside will be reacted by the way after removing the rust on the surface of the shelf. For example, it will react with iron after removing rust.
Rust on the shelves can be removed with a small air or electric power. This method is mainly powered by electricity or compressed air, equipped with appropriate rust removal devices, and the warehouse shelves perform reciprocating or rotating motions to meet the rust removal requirements of various shelves. Such as angle grinders, wire brushes, pneumatic needle beam rust removers, pneumatic rust hammers, toothed rotary rust removers, etc., which are semi-mechanized equipment. The tools are light and mobile and can remove rust more thoroughly. , old coating, etc., can roughen the shelf coating, the efficiency is greatly improved than manual rust removal, up to 1~2m2/h, but it cannot remove oxide skin, the surface roughness is small, and it cannot achieve high-quality surface treatment The quality and ergonomics are lower than that of spray treatment.
High-pressure water abrasive for rust removal. The impact of high-pressure water jets (plus the grinding action of abrasives) and the action of water skids are used to destroy the adhesion of rust and coatings to shelf steel plates. It is characterized by no dust pollution, and no damage to the shelf steel plate, greatly improving the rust removal efficiency, which can reach more than 15m2/h, and the rust removal quality is good. However, the shelf steel plate after rust removal easily returns to rust, and special wet rust removal paint must be painted, which has a great influence on the painting of general performance paint.